Born To Follow Boeken

Wil je Born To Follow (Bon Jovi) boeken voor een optreden?

Viking Entertainment is hét boekingskantoor voor alle artiesten, DJ's, bands en events. Op onze website vind je alle informatie met betrekking tot het boeken van Born To Follow (Bon Jovi) voor een evenement.

Biografie Born To Follow (Bon Jovi)

Born to Follow brings the music of Bon Jovi with an impressive show and personality that launches you back to the 80’s and 90’s!

The band draws inspiration from their best albums such as Slippery When Wet, New Jersey and Keep the Faith, appropriately honoring the most important decade of hair metal and mainstream hard rock.

Born to Follow faithfully expresses the sound and arrangements of the inexhaustible repertoire of almost 30 years of BON JOVI original live on stage.
World hits that have written rock history, rock songs that cannot be beaten in terms of musical power and ballads that will melt almost every music lover. From the first hit “Runaway” to the greatest hits of all time such as “You Give Love A Bad Name”, “Livin’ On A Prayer”, “Keep The Faith”, “Bed Of Roses”, “It’s My Life” or to more recent songs such as “We Weren’t Born to Follow” and “Have A Nice Day” really don’t miss anything on the reportoir during the performances of Born to Follow! Through a lot of passion, the right musical instruments, a lot of love for detail and by having given many successful performances, this band generates an ever-growing circle of loyal fans.

The band name comes from the 1st single ‘We Weren’t Born to Follow’ from the 2009 album ‘The Circle’.

Born To Follow (Bon Jovi) boeken doe je bij Viking Entertainment!

Born To Follow (Bon Jovi) boek je bij Viking Entertainment. Al onze medewerkers helpen je graag met vragen over deze tribute band. Neem vrijblijvend contact met ons op voor meer informatie.
Born To Follow Boeken
Born To Follow Boeken
Born To Follow Boeken
Born To Follow Boeken

Born To Follow Boeken?

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